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In simple terms,Lawis a system of rules, usually enforced through a set of institutions. An institution is a formal organization of government and public service.
The Greek Philosopher, Aristotle said "The rule of law is better than the rule of any individual".
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines law as "a binding custom or practice of a community : a rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority".
Law is an instrument, which regulates human conduct or behavior. The State, with the help of law, maintains law and order and ensures peace and social security.
Law can be briefly categorized into the follow.
Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law provides the framework for the creation of law.
Contract Law
Contract Law is the branch of law that studies the rights and obligations of parties entering into contracts. A contract is an exchange of promises with a specific remedy for breach.
Property Law
Property Law defines rights and obligations related to transfer and title of property. The property can be either personal property or real property.
Trust Law
The Trust Law applies to assets held for investment and financial security. Trust is a relationship whereby property is managed by one personal for the benefit of another.
Law of Torts
Tort Law deals with claims for compensation if a person's rights or property are harmed.
Administrative Law
Administrative Law is used to review the decisions made by government agencies.
International Law
International Law deals with the affairs between nations.
Contents[ hide]
1 A
2 B
3 C
4 D
5 E
6 F
7 H
8 I
9 J
10 L
11 M
12 N
13 O
14 P
15 Q
16 R
17 S
18 T
19 V
20 W
21 See Also
*. Act- Written form of law
*. Accused
*. Acquiescence
*. Address- place where a mail or communication reaches
*. Alien Tort Statute
*. Allowance
*. Amicus curaie- A friend of court
*. Appeal- a prayer for a judicial review against the decree of a lower court
*. Attestation
*. Bank, Banker, Banking, Banking Company- some fundamental definitions in regard to Banking Law
*. Bar- Barristers or advocates collectively
*. Bench- the Judge's seat
*. Bona Fide- In good faith
*. Borstal School
*. Circumstantial Evidenceis all evidence of indirect nature
*. Crime- A Public Wrong
*. Criminality
*. Criminals
*. Criminologists- professionals who study criminology
*. Criminology- Systematic study of criminals
*.Compensation - A return for a loss / damage
*. Condonation of delay- Extension of prescribed period in certain cases
*. Confession
*. Contemner- One who has committed contempt of court
*. Conspiracy- Two or more people agreeing to do a crime
*. Contempt of Court
*. Court
*. Counterfeit
*. Damage- An injury or a wrong because of an unlawful act
*. Damages- Compensation paid / sought for a damage
*. Decree
*. Doctrine of Separation of Powers- a doctrine that disallows the concentration of all three of legislature, execution and judiciary into one single person or a body of persons.
*. En Banc- In the Bench
*. Ex Post Facto
*. Endorsement- Signature at the back of an instrument
*. Easement- a right on someone else's property
*. Equality- Having the same rights, privileges, and immunities as well as same duties
*. Expert Evidence- Testimony given in relation to some scientific, technical, or professional matter by experts
*.Expert Witness
*. Fraud
*. Hearsay Evidence- evidence based on what someone has told the witness and not of direct knowledge
*. Habeas Corpus- Prerogative writ which provides remedy for a person wrongfully detained or restrained
*. Indemnity
*. Injunction- an authoritative warning or order
*. Immunity- an exemption / privilege
*. Imprisonment
*. Judicial Dispute Resolution
*. Judge
*. Judgement
*. Judgement-Debtor
*. Jurisdiction- Power of a court to hear and determine the cause, to adjudicate and exercise any judicial power in relation to it.
*. Jurisdictional- Related to jurisdiction; granting or limiting the jurisdiction
*. Juvenile delinquency- antisocial or illegal behavior by children or adolescents
*. Legal Disability- Inability to act due to lack of physical power or facility to act
*. Locus standi- A person who approached the court should show himself that he suffered a legal injury
*. Lien- A charge or security on a property
*. Manufacturer
*. Memorandum of Appeal- the grounds on which a judicial appeal is prayed for
*. Mens rea- (ill) intention
*. Modern Balance
*. Negotiable Instruments
*. Negotiation
*. Non Obstante- Not withstanding
*. Notice
*. Offense
*. Penology- study of punishments in relation to the crime and the management of prisons.
*. Pecuniary Compensation- Compensation in the form of money
*. Prescription- Right acquired by long undisputed possession.
*. Preamble- Preliminary or preparatory statement
*. Probation- Court, when convinced, does not send an offender below 21 years old to prison
*. Proceeding
*. Procedural Law
*. Prosecution
*. Public Interest Litigation
*. Person aggrieved
*. Punishment
*. Prison
*. Prisoner
*. Question of law
*.Revenue Court - a court that deals with suits related to rent, revenue or profits of land used in agriculture but does not include a civil court that has an original jurisdiction to try such cases.
*. Res judicata- the matter cannot be raised again, either in the same court or in a different court.
*. Remission: Act of forgiveness or condonation of an offense
*. Right- a power or privilege inherent in a person and incident upon another person
*.Rule of law
*. Special Court
*. Speaking Order
*. Substantive Law
*. Suspended Sentence
*. Suicide- Voluntary and intentional self-destruction
*. Sea- Great mass of water that surrounds the land
*. Tenancy
*. Term- a fixed period
*. Tribunal- a special court, convened by the government to inquire into a specific matter
*. Trespass- doing of unlawful act or of lawful act in unlawful manner to injury of another's person or property
*.Trespasser - a person who trespasses
*. Traditional Balance
*. Victimless Crime- Crimes in which public order and decency are violated even though they do not cause any real injury to other persons.
*. Wrong
See Also
*. Judge
*. Judiciary
*. Jurisdiction
*. Maximson Law
*. Quoteson Law
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